Monday, February 11, 2013

7th Grade Civil Servant

For the Month of February I have decided to watch 7th Grade Civil Servant. After Bridal Mask, I am eager to see what Joo Won has to offer in this one. Love and espionage collide in this drama of the National Intelligence Service’s rookie agents. Han Gil Ro (Joo Won) realizes his dream of becoming an international man of mystery, after a childhood spent pouring over James Bond films. Kim Seo Won (Choi Kang Hee) spices things up as a goofy, yet determined agent, but it's not all 007 glamor. Both Gil Ro and Seo Won must learn what it takes to uphold their sworn duty, even at the sacrifice of their happiness — and lives.

It has started off well..for those who want to have a good laugh, do watch it.


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