Saturday, February 16, 2013


Simplicity in life.

Sometimes, life can be so complicated that you feel like suffocating.

I wish, I really wish I could wake up some day feeling so contended with my life. Feeling so free. Free of pain, free of problems. I just wish I could have a simple smile from the heart within.

I wish this day could come quickly.

Yes, I don't have the patient because I started to lose track. I just want to be happy. I just want to wake up and feel like I am myself again.

Sometimes, when I woke up, I thought it was just a dream. Or I wish my dream was my reality. I wish I live in that perfect dream. And this reality was just a nightmare.

It's not that I'm okay. It's just I didn't know how to cry in front of another person.

I wish I could live this simple life.

Looking at the nature everyday. Looking at the sea. Knowing that if I work, I will have food. Sitting by the seaside, listening to the birds, sound of the wave. If I took a nap, I woke up, I'm still where I am.

But now, I'm afraid to even fall asleep. If I do, I'm afraid to wake up.

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