Big Bang's Haru Haru is for me one of the best KPOP songs and it will remain that way.
This is the song that got me addicted to Big Bang..and introduce me to the KPOP world.
What's amazing about them is that, this song is written by G-Dragon himself.
Music Video
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
♥LiFe UnExPEcTeD ♥
Life Unexpected...They had this show airing in Astro - Channel 702. Created by Liz Tigelaar. With Shiri Appleby, Kristoffer Polaha, Brittany Robertson, Kerr Smith.
This show is very heart-warming, charming and provides an hour-long drama to look forward to for the week. A great cast of characters is played by talented actors who work this interesting and entertaining plot.
The story lines are believable, emotional and optimistic- everything so many other shows lack in their attempt to be racy, and cutting edge. This show has lots of feel-good moments that are done in an accessible and non-cheesy manner.
It truly surprised me and I keep coming back from more- give it a chance! Full stars to keep this underrated show in the running.
Fifteen year-old Lux has spent her life going from foster family to foster family. She has finally decided to become an emancipated minor. During her journey through the legal maze, Lux finds her biological father, 30-something Nate "Baze" Bazile, who lives above a bar and is astonished to learn he has a daughter. Lux learns that her mother is Cate Cassidy, a star on local radio, along with her boyfriend, Ryan Thomas. A judge decides to grant temporary custody of Lux to Baze and Cate instead of emancipating her...
This show is very heart-warming, charming and provides an hour-long drama to look forward to for the week. A great cast of characters is played by talented actors who work this interesting and entertaining plot.
The story lines are believable, emotional and optimistic- everything so many other shows lack in their attempt to be racy, and cutting edge. This show has lots of feel-good moments that are done in an accessible and non-cheesy manner.
It truly surprised me and I keep coming back from more- give it a chance! Full stars to keep this underrated show in the running.
Fifteen year-old Lux has spent her life going from foster family to foster family. She has finally decided to become an emancipated minor. During her journey through the legal maze, Lux finds her biological father, 30-something Nate "Baze" Bazile, who lives above a bar and is astonished to learn he has a daughter. Lux learns that her mother is Cate Cassidy, a star on local radio, along with her boyfriend, Ryan Thomas. A judge decides to grant temporary custody of Lux to Baze and Cate instead of emancipating her...
Monday, March 21, 2011
♥ Be ThE cHaNgE ♥
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
♥ KeRaNa DiA CiNtA♥
Kerana Dia Cinta is the first novel of Izza Aripin which I have read and I enjoyed it so much that I finished it within a day...
Dalam perjalanan mencari cinta sejati, Gia terpaksa bernikah dengan Ryan berkorban demi menyatukan dua gergasi korporat. Ketiadaan cinta menyebabkan rumah tangga yang dibina retak menanti belah. Hadirnya Dena menggoncang pendirian Ryan. Rezman dijadikan alat oleh Dena untuk mengejar cintanya. Terhimpit dengan beban perasaan yang semakin sukar digalas, Gia membawa diri ke Teratak Bayu. Siti Hajar menyedarkan dirinya bahawa keredhaan suami ialah kebahagiaan seorang isteri. Gia pulang dengan hasrat mahu mengubah benci menjadi cinta.
Tetapi, semuanya sudah terlambat. Gia membawa hati yang lara ke perantauan bersama dendam. Masa yang berlalu tidak pernah memadamkan dendam dan meredakan benci. Gia kembali sebagai Amani yang sudah menemui cinta sejatinya terhadap Allah. Hatinya yang masih luka diketuk oleh cinta Zeek yang hadir tanpa diduga. Dalam dilema mencari arah, muncul Ryan menagih cinta dan maaf.
Siapakah dihati Amani? Adakah dia menerima cinta Zeek dengan redha? Atau pulang ke pangkuan Ryan melupuskan dendam?
Kerana Dia Cinta… membawa Gia menyusuri jalan kehidupan yang tidak lekang daripada onak dan duri.
Kerana Dia Cinta… kerana Ryan, Gia terpaksa berkorban; Dena rela bermusuhan; Rezman percaya pada cinta.
Kerana Dia Cinta… kerana Gia, Ryan belajar mengenali cinta; Fahrein berjaya mencapai cita-citanya; Zeek menemui cinta sejatinya.
Kerana Dia Cinta… kerana Allah, Nurjia Amani temui cinta abadi.
Nurjia Amani atau Gia dijadikan sebagai jaminan kepada penggabungan syarikat. Disebabkan Gia tidak mencintai Rayyan atau Ryan yang juga merupakan Pengarah Urusan Milennium Group, dia telah bersubahat dengan rakan baiknya, Dena yang juga merupakan Pengurus Pemasaran Kumpulan di Milennium Group. Gia telah menyamar sebagai pekerja di Milennium Group untuk mencari kelemahan Ryan yang boleh digunakan olehnya untuk membatalkan perkahwinan tersebut.
Sewaktu bekerja di Unit Penerbitan, Gia telah berkawan baik dengan Kak Intan, Kak Maiyah (PA kepada Ryan) dan Fahrein. Fahrein yang pada mulanya melayan Gia dengan buruk telah berubah menjadi rakan baiknya setelah dia tahu siapa sebenarnya Gia.
Tembelang Gia pecah apabila Ryan mendapat tahu mengenai penyamarannya melalui Dena. Sebagai hukuman kerana Gia telah membohonginya, Ryan telah menjadikan Gia sebagai Setiausaha Eksekutifnya di Millenium Group. Sungguhpun sentiasa berdampingan, Gia gagal mencintai Ryan. Perhubungan Ryan dengan Gia juga tidak begitu baik lantaran mereka sering berselisih pendapat. Gia telah meminta Ryan untuk bersetuju dengan tiga syarat sebaik sahaja mereka berkahwin kelak.
Hubungan Dena dan Gia menjadi renggang setelah Gia dapat tahu Denalah yang membocorkan rahsianya. Dena yang selama ini tidak setuju dengan layanan dan tanggapan Gia terhadap Ryan yang dipujanya, berniat mahu merampas Ryan daripada Gia.
Perkahwinan antara Gia dan Ryan tidak dapat dielakkan. Gia terpaksa akur kerana takut dibuang keluarga sekiranya dia membantah keras arahan ibu bapanya. Sewaktu berbulan madu di Istanbul, Ryan dan Gia cuba memahami situasi masing-masing. Namun sebaik sahaja mereka pulang daripada berbulan madu, Ryan gagal mematuhi tiga syarat yang telah diakuinya sebelum berkahwin dahulu. Gia berasa kecewa tambahan pula dia terpaksa tinggal bersama mentuanya.
Gia berasa hidupnya terkongkong dan dia rasa bagai dipaksa melakukan perkara yang dia tidak suka oleh mentuanya. Disebabkan berasa tertekan, Gia telah melarikan diri ke Cameron Highland. Di sana dia menyelamatkan seorang lelaki bernama Pakcik Bakar daripada kemalangan. Bermula dari situ, hubungan Gia dengan keluarga Pakcik Bakar semakin akrab. Dia berkongsi masalah dengan Makcik Hajar, isteri Pakcik Bakar. Sewaktu di sana, Gia dapat tahu yang dia mengandung. Setelah puas dipujuk oleh Makcik Hajar, akhirnya Gia bersedia untuk kembali ke pangkuan Ryan.
Namun niat baiknya tidak kesampaian apabila Ryan telah menemuinya di sana. Ryan membawa Gia pulang dan layanannya menjadi semakin keras. Niat Gia untuk merahsiakan kandungannya akhirnya terbongkar. Sikap Ryan kepada Gia terus berubah. Dia lebih banyak mengalah dengan kerenah Gia yang tidak menentu. Disebabkan mabuk paginya terlalu teruk, Gia telah meminta Ryan menghantarnya ke rumah Makcik Hajar untuk berehat. Sewaktu berada di sana, Makcik Hajar telah berusaha menyedarkan Gia akan kesilapannya tidak melayani Ryan seperti yang sepatutnya.
Dalam waktu yang sama, Dena telah mengambil kesempatan sepenuhnya atas ketiadaan Gia. Dia telah berjaya mempengaruhi Ryan dan hubungan mereka menjadi semakin erat.
Pujukan dan didikan keagamaan yang diberikan oleh Makcik Hajar telah melembutkan hati Gia untuk memikul tanggungjawab sebenarnya sebagai isteri dan menantu. Dia pulang ke KL dengan harapan untuk memperbaiki keadaan. Malang sekali apabila dia terdengar perbualan antara Ryan dengan Dena. Rupa-rupanya selama ini selama ketiadaannya, Ryan telah membuat perhubungan sulit dengan Dena. Ryan yang sudah mula merasakan cinta terhadap Gia, berasa bersalah dan kesal. Dia cuba menghalang Gia, tetapi gagal.
Disebabkan perasaan kecewa, Gia membawa diri ke rumah Makcik Hajar. Gia telah bersalin tidak cukup bulan. Tapi disebabkan rasa sakit hatinya, dia menipu semua orang termasuk ahli keluarganya sendiri dengan mengatakan yang anak dalam kandungannya itu telah keguguran. Melalui alasan itu, dia meminta cerai daripada Ryan. Ryan terpaksa akur kerana rasa bersalah.
Dena yang merasakan impiannya untuk mendapatkan Ryan sudah tercapai, kecundang jua akhirnya apabila Rezman, sahabat baik Ryan yang telah mengetahui niat jahat Dena, telah memasang perangkap. Akibat perangkap yang dipasang, Dena dan Rezman ditangkap basah sekali gus melepaskan tanggungjawab Ryan yang sepatutnya berkahwin dengan Dena.
Dua tahun berlalu. Gia telah membawa diri ke UK untuk menyambung pelajaran ke peringkat Phd. Dia kembali ke tanah air dengan identiti baru iaitu bertudung dan menukar nama panggilannya kepada Amani, nama yang sebelum ini telah diperkenalkan olehnya kepada keluarga Makcik Hajar. Anaknya Nurjiha Raihanna atau Jiha telah dijaga oleh Makcik Hajar selama pemergiannya. Amani telah mendapat pekerjaan di sebuah agensi pengiklanan. Perkenalan singkatnya dengan Haziq Hidayat atau Zeek, ketuanya telah melahirkan bibit-bibit cinta di hati Zeek. Lantas dia terus melamar Amani.
Amani yang selama ini mencari cinta, sudah menemui cinta pertamanya iaitu cinta kepada Allah. Lamaran Zeek diterimanya kerana dia terharu dengan keikhlasan dan kejujuran Zeek. Zeek tidak memandang serong kepada statusnya sebagai janda beranak satu. Walaupun pada mulanya keluarga Zeek menentang keras apabila mengetahui mengenai penipuan Amani terhadap kelahiran anaknya, akhirnya mereka terpaksa akur dengan kemahuan Zeek.
Ryan yang secara tidak sengaja terserempak dengan Amani dan Zeek telah nekad untuk merebut perhatian Amani semula. Amani pula terpaksa berhadapan dengan Ryan untuk membongkar mengenai kewujudan Jiha. Kesungguhan Ryan semakin kuat untuk merebut kasih Amani. Malangnya dia kecewa apabila mendapat tahu yang bekas isterinya itu telah berkahwin.
- From Izza Aripin site-
My Opinion:
What can I say. This book is about a force marriage and it do tell us that not all the marriage will work out the way its expected to be...That's what that makes this novel unique compared to other malay novels which has similar plot.
Sometimes, no matter how much we try, we just cannot force ourselves to be in love with someone which we don't love and LOVE cannot be forced.
Recommended reading...
Sunday, March 13, 2011
♥LaWs oF tHe NaTuRaL UnIvErSe♥
----> Law of Mechanical Repair:
After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch or you'll have to pee.
----> Law of the Workshop:
Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.
----> Law of probability:
The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.
----> Law of the Telephone:
When you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal.
----> Law of the Alibi:
If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire.
----> Variation Law:
If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will start to move faster than the one you are in now. (works every time)
----> Bath Theorum:
When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.
----> Law of Close Encounters:
The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.
----> Law of the Result:
When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will.
----> Law of Biomechanics:
The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.
----> Theatre Rule:
At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle arrive last.
----> Law of Coffee:
As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.
----> Murphy's Law of Lockers:
If there are only two people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers.
----> Law of Dirty Rugs/Carpets:
The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor covering are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet/rug.
----> Law of Location:
No matter where you go,... there you are.
----> Law of Logical Argument:
Anything is possible... if you don't know what you are talking about.
----> Brown's Law:
If the shoe fits, it's ugly.
----> Oliver's Law:
A closed mouth gathers no feet.
----> Wilson's Law:
As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.
After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch or you'll have to pee.
----> Law of the Workshop:
Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.
----> Law of probability:
The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.
----> Law of the Telephone:
When you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal.
----> Law of the Alibi:
If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire.
----> Variation Law:
If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will start to move faster than the one you are in now. (works every time)
----> Bath Theorum:
When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.
----> Law of Close Encounters:
The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.
----> Law of the Result:
When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will.
----> Law of Biomechanics:
The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.
----> Theatre Rule:
At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle arrive last.
----> Law of Coffee:
As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.
----> Murphy's Law of Lockers:
If there are only two people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers.
----> Law of Dirty Rugs/Carpets:
The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor covering are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet/rug.
----> Law of Location:
No matter where you go,... there you are.
----> Law of Logical Argument:
Anything is possible... if you don't know what you are talking about.
----> Brown's Law:
If the shoe fits, it's ugly.
----> Oliver's Law:
A closed mouth gathers no feet.
----> Wilson's Law:
As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
✿They are Big Bang!!! ✿
G-Dragon (G-드래곤)
♥ Profile ♥
Position: Leader / Main RapperReal
Name: Kwon Ji Yong (권지용)
Date of Birth: August,18,1988
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Blood Type: A
Education: Seoul Korean Traditional Arts Middle & High School
Skills: Rapping, Dancing, Beat Boxing, Composing, Singing, and Languages (Chinese, English)Debut: DaeHanMinGook Hip Hop Flex (2001)
Hobbies: Drawing pictures and listening to music
Likes: Fashion, Acting, Cooking, Crispy Donuts, Dogs, Cars, The Drawing ‘Is it like stars or skeleton‘, books (poems, mangas, and magazines), watching cartoons, and himself
Religion: Christian
Family Members: Parents and Older Sis [Dami]
Personality: He is pretty bright…When he is quiet, he is extremely quiet. He lightens the mood a lot. He leads the group. His senses are fast, has high self-esteem and likes to be outstanding.
Pendent: A bball cap (GD’s favorite style of cap) on top of a star meaning “to become a big star in the music industry.”
G-Dragon initially started out as a child hip hop artist likely in hopes of emulation the popularity and success of Lil Romeo and Lil Bow Wow in the states. He was also a model. However, he could not release an album and was limited to featuring on other YG artists’ albums.
On January 2001, GD debuted on the compilation album Daehanmingook Hip-Hop Flex as a rapper. After his debut, he was recruited along with Tae Yang to act in JinuSean’s mv as mini JinuSean, which was released in February of the same year. Then GD started training out his planned debut as one half of hip hop duo GDYB.
During that time, he was featured on songs by Perry, Se7en, Wheesung, YG Family and Masta Wu. He also had cameos in many YG artists’s music videos and performed live with Swi.T, Lexy, JinuSean and YG Family. He also performed in concert with Wheesung, Gummy and Se7en and in YG Family’s annual One concerts.
Out of everyone, GD was closest to YG and Perry, who thought him a lot, and his relationship with Hyun Suk was even described as “father and son”. GDYB released 2 songs on YG Family’s second album, but never debut or released an album. In 2004, GD and Tae Yang were both listed as YG new faces and scheduled to debut that year.
However, Hyun Suk announced that their debut was canceled in favor of forming a four-to-six member group. It took until 2006 for BIG BANG to be officially announced via The BIG BANG Documentary Reality Show. Meanwhile, GDYB were featured in Se7en’s album and performed with him at the World Cup.
After graduating from high school, he decided to wait a year before applying to college, and took his college entrance exams in Fall 2007. G-Dragon is BIG BANG’s leader. He is also a rapper and vocalist and has been producing with BIG BANG’s releases with the help of Hyun Suk since the beginning. He also wrote many of the lyrics and recently started songwriting and arranging.
Personality: He is pretty bright…When he is quiet, he is extremely quiet. He lightens the mood a lot. He leads the group. His senses are fast, has high self-esteem and likes to be outstanding.
Pendent: A bball cap (GD’s favorite style of cap) on top of a star meaning “to become a big star in the music industry.”
♥ Bio ♥
G-Dragon initially started out as a child hip hop artist likely in hopes of emulation the popularity and success of Lil Romeo and Lil Bow Wow in the states. He was also a model. However, he could not release an album and was limited to featuring on other YG artists’ albums.
On January 2001, GD debuted on the compilation album Daehanmingook Hip-Hop Flex as a rapper. After his debut, he was recruited along with Tae Yang to act in JinuSean’s mv as mini JinuSean, which was released in February of the same year. Then GD started training out his planned debut as one half of hip hop duo GDYB.
During that time, he was featured on songs by Perry, Se7en, Wheesung, YG Family and Masta Wu. He also had cameos in many YG artists’s music videos and performed live with Swi.T, Lexy, JinuSean and YG Family. He also performed in concert with Wheesung, Gummy and Se7en and in YG Family’s annual One concerts.
Out of everyone, GD was closest to YG and Perry, who thought him a lot, and his relationship with Hyun Suk was even described as “father and son”. GDYB released 2 songs on YG Family’s second album, but never debut or released an album. In 2004, GD and Tae Yang were both listed as YG new faces and scheduled to debut that year.
However, Hyun Suk announced that their debut was canceled in favor of forming a four-to-six member group. It took until 2006 for BIG BANG to be officially announced via The BIG BANG Documentary Reality Show. Meanwhile, GDYB were featured in Se7en’s album and performed with him at the World Cup.
After graduating from high school, he decided to wait a year before applying to college, and took his college entrance exams in Fall 2007. G-Dragon is BIG BANG’s leader. He is also a rapper and vocalist and has been producing with BIG BANG’s releases with the help of Hyun Suk since the beginning. He also wrote many of the lyrics and recently started songwriting and arranging.
♥ Profile ♥
Position: Rapper / Beat BoxerReal
Name: Choi Seung Hyun (최승현)
Stage Names: Tempo, T.O.P
Date of Birth: November 4,1987
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Blood Type: B
Education: Seoul Art College (Majoring in Musical), Dangook University in Theater & Film ( starting 2008 )
Skills: Rapping, Beat Boxing, Lyrics Making
Skills: Rapping, Beat Boxing, Lyrics Making
Hobbies: Reading and Swimming
Likes: Theatrical Performances, Musicals, and Fashion Designing
Family Members: Parents & Older Sis
Personality: He speaks well and is extremely stubborn. He likes to be the leader of things and speaks his mind. Shy and he thinks he’s cute.
Musician He Admires: Usher, Omarion, Jay-Z, B2K
Pendent: A hand holding a megaphone with a Superman style diamond behind it meaning “to inspire people with his voice and become big”
Even though BIG BANG is listed as his debut, TOP has been rapping since middle school under the name Tempo. He started doing gigs in underground clubs, sometimes with an older friend of his, NBK Gray. They never sign a label or released an album.
“Buckwild”, one of their songs was storming the internet in mp3 format. Unlike the rest of Big Bang, TOP hasn’t trained to be a singer. His only singing part so far is at the beginning of "She Can’t Get Enough".
He often gets sent on TV shows alone, either as a guest or MC. In August 2007, he started acting in the drama "I Am Sam". In summer 2007, he was also featured as an actor in Red Roc’s "Hello" MV.
Seung Ri (승리)
Personality: He speaks well and is extremely stubborn. He likes to be the leader of things and speaks his mind. Shy and he thinks he’s cute.
Musician He Admires: Usher, Omarion, Jay-Z, B2K
Pendent: A hand holding a megaphone with a Superman style diamond behind it meaning “to inspire people with his voice and become big”
♥ Bio ♥
Even though BIG BANG is listed as his debut, TOP has been rapping since middle school under the name Tempo. He started doing gigs in underground clubs, sometimes with an older friend of his, NBK Gray. They never sign a label or released an album.
“Buckwild”, one of their songs was storming the internet in mp3 format. Unlike the rest of Big Bang, TOP hasn’t trained to be a singer. His only singing part so far is at the beginning of "She Can’t Get Enough".
He often gets sent on TV shows alone, either as a guest or MC. In August 2007, he started acting in the drama "I Am Sam". In summer 2007, he was also featured as an actor in Red Roc’s "Hello" MV.
Seung Ri (승리)
♥ Profile ♥
Position: Vocalist
Real Name: Lee Seung Hyun (이승현)
Stage Name : Seung Ri (승리); V.I
Date of Birth: December 12, 1990
Height: 176 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Bloodtype: A
Skills: Singing, Dancing
Likes: Foreign Languages
Family: Parents and younger sibling
Personality: very strong for the youngest member in the group. He is pretty mature because blood type is A. He is shy and keeps lots of things to himself.
Musician He Admires: Justin Timberlake, Omarion
Determination: fighting!I cannot return home
Pendent: A planet surrounded by rings. Looks kind of like Saturn. “A new style of music set on the music industry”
Seung Ri is from Kwangjoo, the sixth major city in Korea. As we can see in the Big BangDocumentary, it’s quite a long commute between the two.
Before Big Bang, he was a member of Ilhwan, a Kwangjoo dance team. In summer 2005, Seung Ri appeared on an episode of Battle Shinhwa, a TV show to find the second Shinhwa (a famous boyband) through auditions.
The band Battle is the result of that TV show. In the thirteenth episode, he was cut because his singing wasn’t impressive enough, even though his dancing was.
Tae Yang (태양)
Personality: very strong for the youngest member in the group. He is pretty mature because blood type is A. He is shy and keeps lots of things to himself.
Musician He Admires: Justin Timberlake, Omarion
Determination: fighting!I cannot return home
Pendent: A planet surrounded by rings. Looks kind of like Saturn. “A new style of music set on the music industry”
♥ Bio ♥
Seung Ri is from Kwangjoo, the sixth major city in Korea. As we can see in the Big BangDocumentary, it’s quite a long commute between the two.
Before Big Bang, he was a member of Ilhwan, a Kwangjoo dance team. In summer 2005, Seung Ri appeared on an episode of Battle Shinhwa, a TV show to find the second Shinhwa (a famous boyband) through auditions.
The band Battle is the result of that TV show. In the thirteenth episode, he was cut because his singing wasn’t impressive enough, even though his dancing was.
Tae Yang (태양)
♥ Profile ♥
Position: Vocalist
Real Name: Dong Yong Bae (동영배)
Stage Names: Tae Yang, YB Tae Kwon, YBTK
Date of Birth: May 18, 1988
Height: 174 cm
Blood Type: AB
Education: Daejin University in Theater & Film ( starting in 2008 )
Skills: Rapping, Dancing,Beatboxing, Singing, Languages (English, Japanese)
Debut: YG Family’s Second Album in 2002
Hobbies: Basketball, Music, Watching TV
Likes: Church, Summer, Clothers, Game, Manhwa
Religion: Christian
Family Members: Parents and Older brother (Dong Hyeon-Bae 동현배)
Personality: Does his best in everything. Over achiever. Doesn’t like to fight. He talks about his problem with his opponent. He listens to you well and thinks about what he is going to say before he says anything.
Musicians he admires: Usher, Omarion, Justin Timberlake
Pendant: A sun (taeyang is korean for ’sun’) which has a crown on top and “YB” in the middle meaning “to become the best in music industry
Taeyang was a child actor starting in 5th grade. He was recruited to play the part of mini Sean in JinuSean’s "A-Yo" MV. After that, he auditioned to join YG Family, having been impressed by JinuSean. His chosen stage name was YB Taekwon, which is either a reference to JinuSean’s Taekwon V album or to the giant robot Taekwon V.
His rapping debut was in YG Family’s second album in 2002. In 2003, he participated in Wheesung’s second album, rapping on the track Player. He performed with JinuSean, Swi.T, Lexy, Masta Wu, Se7en and YG Family, and took part in Wheesung, Gummy, Se7en and YG Family’s One concerts.He was scheduled to debut with G-Dragon as GDYB (for G-Dragon & YB Taekwon) in 2004, but never debuted or released an album.
Hyun Suk announced that their debut was canceled in favor of forming a four-to-six-member group. Even though he’d previously trained to be a rapper and wanted to become one, he debuted in Big Bang as a singer. He’s been studying Japanese for three years, since 2004, in preparation for Big Bang’s Japanese debut.
After graduating high school, he and G-Dragon decided to take a year off before applying for college. He has been accepted at Daejin University in theater and film for 2008, and has mentioned wanting to become an actor.
His first kiss was during the filming of the Ma Girl music video, when the actress got carried away and kissed him for real. Hyun Suk mentioned in his messages that Taeyang was going to have a solo single, as a reward for hard work and to make up for being too harsh with Taeyang. It was tentatively scheduled for September 2007, but it hasn’t been released yet.
Dae Sung (대성)
Personality: Does his best in everything. Over achiever. Doesn’t like to fight. He talks about his problem with his opponent. He listens to you well and thinks about what he is going to say before he says anything.
Musicians he admires: Usher, Omarion, Justin Timberlake
Pendant: A sun (taeyang is korean for ’sun’) which has a crown on top and “YB” in the middle meaning “to become the best in music industry
♥ Bio ♥
Taeyang was a child actor starting in 5th grade. He was recruited to play the part of mini Sean in JinuSean’s "A-Yo" MV. After that, he auditioned to join YG Family, having been impressed by JinuSean. His chosen stage name was YB Taekwon, which is either a reference to JinuSean’s Taekwon V album or to the giant robot Taekwon V.
His rapping debut was in YG Family’s second album in 2002. In 2003, he participated in Wheesung’s second album, rapping on the track Player. He performed with JinuSean, Swi.T, Lexy, Masta Wu, Se7en and YG Family, and took part in Wheesung, Gummy, Se7en and YG Family’s One concerts.He was scheduled to debut with G-Dragon as GDYB (for G-Dragon & YB Taekwon) in 2004, but never debuted or released an album.
Hyun Suk announced that their debut was canceled in favor of forming a four-to-six-member group. Even though he’d previously trained to be a rapper and wanted to become one, he debuted in Big Bang as a singer. He’s been studying Japanese for three years, since 2004, in preparation for Big Bang’s Japanese debut.
After graduating high school, he and G-Dragon decided to take a year off before applying for college. He has been accepted at Daejin University in theater and film for 2008, and has mentioned wanting to become an actor.
His first kiss was during the filming of the Ma Girl music video, when the actress got carried away and kissed him for real. Hyun Suk mentioned in his messages that Taeyang was going to have a solo single, as a reward for hard work and to make up for being too harsh with Taeyang. It was tentatively scheduled for September 2007, but it hasn’t been released yet.
Dae Sung (대성)
♥ Profile ♥
Position: Vocalist
Real Name: Kang Dae Sung (강대성)
Stage Names: D-Lite, Delight
Date of Birth: April 26,1989
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Blood Type: O
Education: KyeongIn High School
Skills: Singing
Likes: Rap, Beat Boxing,Cooling
Family: Parents and Older Sis [Bora]
Personality: Always bright. Does his best in everything. When he is around people, he lightens the mood. Loves goofing off and eating. Doesn’t like showing his sadness, known to be the “happy” one in the group.
Personality: Always bright. Does his best in everything. When he is around people, he lightens the mood. Loves goofing off and eating. Doesn’t like showing his sadness, known to be the “happy” one in the group.
Musician He Admires: Usher, Omarion, Ne-Yo, Wheesung
Determination: “I’ll work my hardest and become the best.”
Pendent: A pair of headphones surrounding the globe of the world meaning “to let the world listen to your music.”
♥ Bio ♥
Dae Sung was recruited in an audition, and even though he was jokingly known as “unpretty boy” among the staff, he turned out to be the most popular members.
During training, he got to do vocal training with Wheesung, who’s one of his favorite artists. Wheesung had also help other members from BIG BANG. While training, he was diagnosed with vocal cord nodules (a mass of tissue that grows on the vocal cords causing human speech to be difficult), which are common among singers and caused by strains on the vocal cords.
They got worse in fall of 2006 and DS had to undergo treatment soon before the release of BIG BANG’s second single. Thankfully, Gummy, who had experienced the same problem, helped Dae Sung recover and manage his condition. They’ve been friends ever since. Gummy was the one who said “hello” in Korean in the "Lie" MV.
In April 2007, Dae Sung decided to quit high school to be able to focus full-time on Big Bang, but expressed a desire to pass his college entrance exams sometime in the future. In October 2007, Dae Sung was featured in singer Nemo’s “Ije, Oori…” (이제,우리..) [Now We] digital single. This was the first M-Boat/YG collaboration since the split of their partnership some months earlier.
During training, he got to do vocal training with Wheesung, who’s one of his favorite artists. Wheesung had also help other members from BIG BANG. While training, he was diagnosed with vocal cord nodules (a mass of tissue that grows on the vocal cords causing human speech to be difficult), which are common among singers and caused by strains on the vocal cords.
They got worse in fall of 2006 and DS had to undergo treatment soon before the release of BIG BANG’s second single. Thankfully, Gummy, who had experienced the same problem, helped Dae Sung recover and manage his condition. They’ve been friends ever since. Gummy was the one who said “hello” in Korean in the "Lie" MV.
In April 2007, Dae Sung decided to quit high school to be able to focus full-time on Big Bang, but expressed a desire to pass his college entrance exams sometime in the future. In October 2007, Dae Sung was featured in singer Nemo’s “Ije, Oori…” (이제,우리..) [Now We] digital single. This was the first M-Boat/YG collaboration since the split of their partnership some months earlier.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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