Saturday, June 9, 2012

✿ Mirrored Reflection✿

When I look at myself in the mirror, I see an imperfect person.

Just trying to fit in… trying to do my best in this crazy world. Sometimes it’s hard when I see people around me and I get discouraged, but one thing I constantly remind myself, is never to let them destroy my faith and beliefs. Because these are the things that make me the person that I am. I refuse to let other people get me down.

The world may have so much evil in it, but it’s also full of good… of love and hope. And that’s what I want to incorporate into my own world. Someday, I’d like to look at myself in the mirror, and what I’d want to feel is contentment.

More than anything else, I’d like to look at myself and be satisfied about how I lived my life. When all else is said and done, I’d like to be able to smile and say to myself, I did my BEST ✿‿✿

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