Thursday, February 21, 2013

Queen Of Ambition

Joo Da Hae (Soo Ae) is the quintessential girl from the wrong side of the tracks. Growing up destitute, she develops the singular dream of becoming a trophy wife one day. But it’s not all fun and games when she sets off on a journey of conspiracy, greed and malice. Kwon Sang Woo stars as Ha Ryu, an innocent man who is so deeply in love with Da Hae that he’s willing to sacrifice everything — and commit the unfathomable.

I am watching this drama for Sang Woo whom I fell in love since i watched " Bad Love". He is an amazing actor, who portray emotional scene's perfectly, and SEXY ♥ for sure.. Also not to forget that Queen of Ambition also feature " Yunho". This is the first time I am watching him on screen as an actor and he has been impressive this far.

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